Welcome to our 10x10 page. How does this work?
Every week, appointed/volunteer students will prepare the assigned reading for an ORAL presentation, INSTEAD of completing our weekly blogging assignment.
The format: 10 slides by 10 minutes total, capturing the "essence" of the reading for us - focusing on the main concepts, definitions, themes.
Be sure your 10x10 presentation:
1. Begins with a SINGLE short video PRIOR to the 10x10 to engage our brain and set the stage.
2. Features (a few) words AND images for ALL TEN slides. (Avoid "Death By Powerpoint," please.)
3. SLIDE #9 - the reading's FIVE most important SPECIFIC "takeaways" - facts, stats, concepts.
4. SLIDE #10 - a SINGLE open-ended discussion question for us to explore in class.
Dr. Rob
Dr. Rob